Friday, December 18, 2009


What about being lonesome?

I'm talking about not having a any relationship at all with anyone that is opposite sex of you, it doesn't matter whether they have the nice tits or even a 2 gigantic testicles balls beneath them.

First of all, you gotta understand that when you're lonely or lonesome, it's really so fucking lonely. duh.

You wouldn't have anything else to care in this world.

Who the hell is going to care about you when you lost your wallet or purse by a pickpocket. Who the hell is going to care about you when you're broke your hands or legs.

Who the hell care about you when you're being hospitalized? Okay, for more serious cases, we would assumed that your own family would be the first and the last person on earth care about you.

For a more serious case is that you gone crazy waiting and hoping you're in a relationship. You unlocked your cellphone keypad, pressing in your phone book and browse through all those names you been saving for 120 years ago. Looking at every names makes you think of every personality and every last memory that you had gone through with them. You text them or make a call. Never a response from them or maybe just 1 or 2 text message reply from these people. Lonely person end up not being alert or aware that people will look for them even if their old buddies were just looking for them for a cup of coffee or tea.

Look at your surrounding. People who are in a relationships seems to be more alert in their telecommunications sets such as their cellphone or even their msn, etc. People who are loner seems not to be alert with their cellphone set.

One important point that you must remember is that a lonely person doesn't mean you're single. A single person doesn't mean you're a lonely person. A single person could be a fucking playboy. A lonely person could be one really pathetic person.

Every human has their weakness. Most common of all is not being able to fulfill themselves the satisfaction of life. I do believe you do complain or bitching a lot in your life whether I know, I don't know, we know, we don't know or only you know it yourself. Examples here would be, human tend to complain with unnecessary stuff. A person who are in a relationships tend to complain their partner being too busybody or maybe being too annoying. When their partner starts to stray away, human tend to emo-faking the facts that their partner straying away. Who the hell wants that. If you want it, you gotta start to accept the facts that coming your away.

When you're lonely, do you complains or bitching around saying you don't have a person to be with? DO YOU!? If you say no, that would be bullshit. Even if you don't speak it out by your mouth, you might even speak it out from your mind. You see, our mindset has to be strong in what you do. Don't be a pessimist. Be an optimist. You gotta understand what you wanted to do later in your life. You only had 2 chance of to speak the words of your heart. Your brain would be the first organ on earth knows what you feel and speak it out for you in your heart without your lips babbling it out yet. That's the first chance you had. If you're rational enough with your mindset, the first chance is always forgiven by everyone even me and you who are reading this. If you're not rational enough, if your mouth starts to speak out the words of your mind. You gotta be careful of what you just said.

Understand the meaning of the above passage. The point is, do what you said. Don't believe it would totally change what's coming forward for you. Accept the fact of what's coming for you. A person might slap you. Some might even praise you like a Buddha.

Back to the topic. According to my fellow reader's comment on my previous post, yes, I totally grateful for ya all comment on that. I accept all the comment. This is my opinion whether you like it or not. Okay, being single is totally great. Being lonely is totally sad. Being in relationship is about commitment and makes you more mature. You could be a total retard in a relationship until the end of a relationship and it makes you more mature or more understanding of what or who you are. What you experience makes you becoming more aware of what's happening in your life. You gotta understand that you shouldn't forget that you still had your friends and family. Okay. Friends and family are considered as in relationship with you indirectly. We don't speak of in a relationship with your current friends or family cause it might sounds like an incest or so gay or whatever the word it is.

HARDWORKING. Learn that word. Understand it well. Browse every of your home dictionary on that word. Read it few times. You gotta stop being a loner. You gotta learn to be a single not a loner. A loner doesn't have a life to be. A single has a great life to enjoy with.

Okay, if you're thinking that why an assassin is always related as a loner. That's different. You gotta understand that doing a crime harms your life. Why would they rather be a loner to work hard earning money to get some food on the table? Even the chinese do say 'xian ku hou tian'. If you want to get big bucks, you got to go through the hard way. What's pity of it is that their job has to be a loner. Even assassins have a heart to protect their friends, partner and family. They doesn't want anything bad to happen to them. Hope you get what I mean. Even Bill Gates works hard like a cow feeding us with milk. That's a different story.

I'm totally lonesome for now, i guess. and I'm sorry if I offended you readers for reading such a a long text. I'm trying my best to cut down the numbers of words. And sorry if I misunderstand you for the previous post which says a simple single lonely person for this post which I trying to elaborate it in a way that the meaning of the word lonely is different from being single.

Thanks for reading. Please comment.


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