Saturday, August 29, 2009

occupational therapy vs physiotherapy

Well, in case you didn't know. I broke my wrist few months ago. Had a scaphoid fracture and perilunette (if I don't spell it wrong) dislocation during mid of March 2009. Had a surgery of screw and k-wire implant. K-wire was removed after 6 weeks.

About that, I'll elaborate more in my future post. I want to show you about my therapy. There's 2 type of therapy. First is the occupational therapy which I did in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, KK. The 2nd is Physiotherapy I did in Lintas Square Plaza, KK. What's the different? Well, what I know is that, occupational therapy only treats and helps you recover until the condition which you can get back to your occupation. Physiotherapy is more to helping you recover back fully as much as possible to your normal condition. But, normally, you can never get fully recover when you had a fracture or injury in any part of your body. You have to feel the pain to get yourself recover. They had lots of massage therapy and it's killing me.

Initially, my hands was all stiff. I can't fucking moved my fingers at all. I managed to get a grip after 2 months. THE PAIN WAS GOOD. It was a very good experience for me.

Lintas Square Plaza's Physiotherapy scenario:

Here's some photos of it. This is what they called the UV-wave therapy. This only available in Physiotherapy in Lintas Square Plaza, KK.

Sorry if the photos are too dark. I can't get enough light for the photos. They close the light and let me lying there to fall asleep during the therapy.

This things works on my hand for around 15-20 minutes, I guess

I'm not really sure what's the purpose for this machine. I was told it was used to heal the 'adhesion' in between the scar after the surgery. You can feel electricity pulse when this thing is working. My fingers and wrist starting to shake during this period.

After the UV-therapy, I went for waxing and massage. Sorry, I couldn't get any photos for that one cause I don't get enough time to take photo during the waxing period. At the same time, my hand was all round up like a Mike Tyson. The waxing are for releasing the stiff tendon and joint in the hand for further massage therapy. The massage therapy was quite simple by the way. I can even do it back in my room. Last but not least, this physiotherapy is a private clinic, so I was charge RM37 for each session. *wtf*

Queen Elizabeth Hospital scenario:

Okay, sorry I don't get any photos during this period. I'll post some more if I managed to capture few. Lately, there's some problem with the attitude of the therapist there. Not mentioning how they work, once their boss is not around, because she's pregnant, they seem not to care much about my condition. Not me, but the others as well, I believed. I'm only on a occupational therapy here which they only did passive and active massage therapy. Not much from using the therapy machine there. I don't know when will they start appreciating those great hi-tech machine by letting the patient to use it. They keep telling I'll be using those thing BUT until now, I never even step in that room for therapy. Looks as if it's fully booked. Once you had it, don't just keep it there for exhibition. Let us recover, will ya? *wtf*

The waxing machine there are better than the private clinic. And yeah, the waxing machine broke down for like how many weeks already but there is no one there to repair it. It's okay for you but not okay for us, patient.

Well, this is my dinner. I bought 'Nasi Briyani' and 'Roti John'.

This is 'Nasi Briyani Ayam'
I only realised I haven't take photos of 'Roti John' after I consumed it. *wtf* next time.

Well, adios amigo.

Friday, August 28, 2009

past and future tenses

The good future haven't been coming to me lately. The good past were all past away. The past remains there where it can be what other people thinks what kind of person are you even though you're a CHANGED man.

Well, every words in our life is case sensitive. Words with all CAPS-ing had different meaning then the non-CAPS-ing. Every sentence that we speaks out from our mouth determines who we are. Never speak of something which you could not established. Never speak of something which you haven't finish established it. fuck. Hope y'all get what I am. There's a different meaning for both of this. One speaks of no efforts in doing something which you never want to care and acting like you did it, and the latter means you did it with your own effort just that it's not completely done yet.

Another example, I don't like you or I don't like you anymore. 2 different meaning. Read and think properly about the meaning of it. wtf.

I'm always been a person of a word sensitive nowadays. Let's say a little prayer asking for grace and blessing before we moved on in our life shall we ?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

who do you blame?

It was a good weather. Stucked's at my friend's place yesterday due to the big rain. My social life is more to the pool center nowadays. It was a good game yesterday night. I was playing with my friend, world people. We only played for 5 games for 8 balls and 3 games for 9 balls.


World People VS Montana

8 ball game = 3 : 2

9 ball game = 2 : 1

Shit, I met with Mr Saafie Salleh when I was on the way back to my hostel. He was driving his blue motorcycle with a red-dragonish helmet and he was just beside me when the traffic went red. wtf.

I'm starting to like Prof Dr. Haider. One funny Iraqi guy. He speaks English with Iraq pronounciation. wtf. It's funny when you're paying attention to what spoke. He read si que rook instead of square root and FARA DIE instead of FARA DAY.

For your information, he is my FINAL YEAR PROJECT's supervisor.

*Desperate on how to prepare our exam* wtf


Okay, what's so good about fasting? I read this article about Fasting month for Muslims.

The interesting part is alcoholic drinks and sexual intercourse are not allowed during this time of month. How are you going to hold your sex intention for that long?

As for my point of view, sorry if this insults the Muslim. I don't really care what you Muslims going to do during this time of Month of Ramadhan and I still respect y'all for that. That's one of your religion practice, no question ask. YES I KNOW. But please, if you don't mind, please just don't get it started. You abstained yourself from eating and drinking in one whole DAYtime doesn't have to be one of the reasons that you can start slacking around your work. WORK is still A WORK no matter what happens.

Imagine if you are the boss preparing the pay slip for y'all employee and the matter is that there's no efficiency and quality from your employees in the company.

Does that annoy you whenever you still have to provide bloody wages when your employees are not doing well in their career?

What if these issues influence the future oncoming business? wtf.

If there's a sudden economy crisis dropdown, would you cry out blaming your employer or looking for another reason to cover your asses ?

Yet, what if your employees are looking for bonuses for their coming "HARI RAYA"? If you want it, you must come get it. That's the main point. No efforts in life lead you to trouble and being a society dump. That's why there's a word of wisdom saying, 'NO PAIN NO GAIN'.

I don't want to blame your religions. It's the attitude to be blame. Sorry about that. Isn't it perfect that everyone starts to cooperate with each other and stop blaming their own religious? Practically, every religious are innocent and they have their right to make us into a better person.

Isn't it perfect that everyone starts to work hard and admit their own mistakes when there's an error with their work? Troubleshooting a problem is a good ways to learn from mistake but mistake are not supposed and shall never be repeated again. If you just fucking repeating it, YOU'RE FUCKING RETARDED.

Everyone has the right to choose their own religion. Everyone has to respect to each other religion to assured peace. Everyone has to respect each other when you want the other to respect you as well.

This is called 'Nasi Kerabu', my dinner for tonight as well. I got this from Ramadhan Bazaar around my hostel. The rice is supposed to be in blue. This one is sort of browny type.

Ever seen a hammer broke off when pulling a nail out from a tree? The nails resist to come out.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

you never try you never know

First thing first, I shitted like 6 times since yesterday night and I felt like my asshole is bleeding. wtf. Might because of the food I bought from Bazaar Ramadhan. Lucky, I felt better today.

Went to 1borneo. I don't understand what's so nice about the McDonald Lunch Value. I know its quite 'cheap' but what else, my stomach is not even satisfy. Lots of big sales going on in 1borneo lately, so please, when you're free, you should have a look on it and don't just window shopping around the shops. It's a stock clearance, come on. Had some games of pool. I sucked today, shit. WTF.

Here's a picture in 1borneo pool centre. Practically, that's my friend, Hii Kion. For your information, there are 4 young good-looking chicks playing pool at the same time too. Spot them.

It happened again at night when we went to Metro for pool AGAIN. I SUCKED in snooker game and pool game. wtf Can't poke the cue properly. I am never good in snooker game but, you never try you never know right !?

It's raining big, friend. I'm starting to see flood. When I see flood, I remembered Sibu. If I'm gonna be the governor or politician in Sibu, I will propose the concept of a Little Venice Town instead of Swan City. wtf. If the town is being flood continuously, why not just make use of the mother nature of flood into a natural attraction or some attraction to the outsider?

I felt like posting some of my philosophy but I just can't figure it finish yet. shit.

Well eventually, I felt good for blogging. That's all

Monday, August 24, 2009

betrayal vs cheating

Ever think what and who betrays you in your life? Betray does not hurt you as much as you was cheated in your love life.

Okay, I have this philosophy. Read this.
A man love life is betrayed by their own dick. How true can it be? For guys, think and figure it out first before you read on.

You see, when you look at some hot chicks in front of you, you get aroused. What the fuck did the dick tell you to do? In case you never notice this, your dick eventually send some information to your brain to tell you what to do next. If you had the courage to go talk to the chicks, you starting to have affection. Affection might eventually end up liking the person which your dick are into it, then lastly you might even think that you are falling for her. Shit wtf. You just might get your feeling wrong.

First, when you starting to realise something is wrong, first thing as a human, well, in human nature, you will not leave and make yourself as bad person and you'll always right. Then wtf, who do you blame after that? That girl or your own cute dick?

Second, some people might still have the courage to face the facts that they are being fooled by themselves. But wtf, did you actually realised you're being cheated and fooled by that person? It's fcking hurt I know. When it happened, you're all grown up one year or few years.

Thirdly, it might as well end up like a fairy loves tales. Both of you end up loving each other. Isn't that good enough? Yep. It's good. Both live happy ever after. What if that person is just playing a part of a drama which you don't bloody realised about it. You're in a movie. Congrats *clap clap*. Fuck. YOU'RE PUNK'D.

In bottomline, it all started from your hungry dick. Sorry, if that's too rude for y'all. You'll figure this once you communicate and having a good relationship with your own body. I don't know what about girls. I'll post it again when I figure it out.

Okay. Today, missed my early morning class but I managed to go for Laser class at 10am. Shit, I'm late again and again. Mr Saafie Salleh, my lecturer, looks a lot like a construction worker. HAHA Probably he looks too dark or what I also don't know. I just felt that way. All I know is that this is the only man, the only lecturer who usually drive a motorbike to class to teach us. Shit. That is so humble of him.

The Data Communication class was shit bored. I don't know what the hell is she teaching about. The class was big and I noticed there's a lot of new CPU and monitor in the laboratory. Looks good from the outside, but the nuts only had 30 GBs the most. Well, just enough for educational purpose.

I know picture does speak a lot in our mind. Here's my Data Communication Laboratory.

BTW, my online coupon almost time-out. 7 hours Have to save my time here. I had to continue on with my project. Oh yah, 'Nasi Kerabu' is a nice choice of food during this Ramadhan month. I'll post some pictures of it next time.

See y'all.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Killing Spree

Okay. My 3rd post. Hope this is not the last one.

I finally did my introduction for 2 full pages. When I switched it to double spacing, it's 4 pages :D hell yeah. Hopefully, it will continue on.

I woke up quite late this morning. Does not feel like me enough. Shitted 3 times in the morning wtf. Went to the airport, sent my friend back to her own hometown. After, we had lunch and pool in the afternoon. There are few old men playing snooker beside us. I like what their doing. Taking their time slowly while playing. Lots of hot chicks came in suddenly. Making some american pie movie? It was like a 'wow' for everyone. wtf

It was few bad games for me in the beginning but it end up well at last. We had 9 balls as well as 8 balls game. Went to the airport again. Fetching my friend's mum. I was kinda curious about how his mum was gonna be like. Every story that my friend told me is kinda making her mum sounds funny. When his mum sat in the car, okay, she's cool. I like the way she talk. Kinda fun listening to an old folk chat.

There's lots of Bazaar Ramadhan around the city. hmm..

Tanjung Aru scenario:
how the hell can a small diamond of a price of RMXX,XXX can be less until 80%!? How much is the cost anyway? It's worth it when buying these fcking expensive diamonds with such a low price. But do u dare to wear it when they world is not in peace?

I came out from the resort and I saw this weird car. Looks like a cartoon car. It had 2 eyes and a small nosehole and a mouth. wtf

btw, I was thinking, does shitting making you become more conscious when you're drunk?

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Bang! I woke up this morning around 9.30am and I had like, 14 missed call which includes all the calls which this particular person are trying to find me when my phone is engaged. Not really engaged but it's just the matter of it's reception. 2 of the calls rang and I tried to answer it but i just can't. I JUST CAN'T. Shit. I was tired. Sorry.

My roommate left for a field trip early this morning and I'm all alone in the room again.

Okay, wake up. did my morning routine again. a simple morning washed-tidy-cleaned up. Checked my cloths since yesterday night which is hanging outside the balcony for drying.

I planned to continue on with my research. Shit. I JUST CAN'T. I'm not very awake yet. Had an oat meal for my breakfast.

Double-click Frozen Throne -> Local Network Connections -> Create Game -> ELEMENT TD 3.0 -> Start Game

lol. It's been a long time, my friend. It reminds me a lot about my 2nd home, V6 with the rest of my buddies. I reached level 60 which is the end of the game but however, I lost when RONALD CAME OUT (LEVEL 61-BONUS LEVEL) wtf. whatever.

Then I started on my project. Looking for information and hell ya, this connection is freaking annoying. Why the hell so slow when it is on 3-4 bars always. I'm looking for ozone and errors keep came out. Okay fine. I'll do whatever I have to do first without online now. Wrote some introduction for my project. I hope I got it right.

I realised it's 'Bulan Ramadhan' today. Muslims starting to starve themselves starting from sunrise until the sunset for dinner. Our cafe here seems to be so quiet. I went to cafe for a take-away lunch and not much food were sold at moments like this.

I'm looking forward for the Bazaar Ramadhan actually. Food variability. HAH

Most annoying of all today, there's some lady-man staying at my neighbours. Hope they can shut their mouth.

btw, I have to continue what I started.

first blood.

okay. what now.

finally i managed to open this blog account. wtf.

alright. i'll think of posting something sooner or later. i had a poor cellphone reception. and hell ya, the wireless coverage is kinda poor as well. im seeing 4 bars of wireless networks in my taskbar but the connection was like TMNET and JARING. wtf

btw, im browsing through journals now. i was thinking, what's the difference between journals and blogs anyway?